Change is Never Powerless

Executive Office of the Governor, State of Idaho

The Challenges

The government offices of Idaho operate in a dynamic environment, where the demands of data centers, technology requirements, and the need for constant upgrades constantly evolve. Data Center Technician, Aaron Archuleta, mentions he and the team face the challenge of maintaining resilient and efficient systems that adhere to specific requirements while ensuring optimal resource utilization and minimizing environmental impact.

“[Our day-to-day] varies, world of change, some days include going to different data centers seeing what systems they have, ensuring it meets requirements, and making updates based on needs, recycling batteries for led batteries, and engineering new data centers for new agencies.”

Upon recognizing the limitations, Archuleta’s team opted for N1C’s solutions to propel the government offices of Idaho towards a future of unrivaled efficiency and sustainability.

The Solutions

Gone are the days of frequent battery replacements and skyrocketing expenses. Because N1C's lithium-powered UPS systems provide unparalleled longevity, ensuring a reliable power supply, Archuleta’s team bid goodbye to the headaches of replacing batteries every 2-5 years and the financial strain it brings. What the team at the governor’s office of Idaho found particularly refreshing was N1C’s commitment to quality service. If, by some rare occurrence, a UPS systems fails, there is no time wasted in finding replacements or repairs.

The Outcome

After purchasing from the L-series, from 1000-3000amp, Archuleta’s team saves time, money, and is provided with the assurance that the systems actually do what they're expected to do.

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