For more than 40 years, there were only minor changes that the Uninterruptible Power Supply (or UPS) has seen. There was no change in the critical components of energy storage and technology. They use lead-acid batteries in most of the UPS systems like they used to do decades earlier.
Today, however, the stage is set to drastically change UPS technology. Thanks to the developing technology of smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets or devices. Many were waiting for a long time to see this implemented in the UPS systems.
With the advent of UPS lithium battery, it is set to solve all the major problems that you encounter. You do not have to struggle using a UPS with the lead-acid battery.
These are few outstanding benefits that you will enjoy when you use a UPS with a lithium-ion battery.
Do Not Worry About Space: Firstly, you get more energy as well as power density when you use a Li-ion battery. It is a lot when you compare with valve regulated lead acid battery which they use widely in a UPS.
It significantly reduces the required square foot when you compare it with the VRLA battery UPS system. Cooling requirements as well are reduced drastically. It also means there is a reduction in the overall body weight of the equipment.
It means the Li-ion battery will help you meet the same requirement or more utilizing less space and cooling requirements. You do not have to worry about getting an appropriate place to set this unit because you do not need too much of space.
It means you can use this space to set up other important things. It gives you flexibility when it comes to planning.
Temperature Fluctuation Does Not Affect the System: The best part about the Li-ion batteries is that they do not get affected by fluctuation in the temperature. It can withstand different temperature ranges, unlike the VRLA battery
The VRLA battery life drastically reduces whenever there is 10° C (18°C) increase in the temperature above 25°C (77°C). Li-ion batteries, on the other hand, do not fail when there are spikes in the temperature. There is no significant effect on the battery life making it ideal to last longer.
It is quite durable than the VRLA battery. Li-ion batteries, as a result, do not get hotter like that of a VRLA battery. It is one key reason for you not to have large cooling capacity units set up. You also do not require an extensive room or space to set up the entire UPS system.
BMS System in Place: A Li-ion battery usually comes with a battery monitoring system or BMS that is quite sophisticated. It will indicate the life and health condition of the battery. You will exactly know when to replace the battery. It is more or less like the smartphone battery indicator.
Whereas the VRLA batteries might work well until the day it suddenly fails without giving you any notice. There is no way for you to find its health status.
These are some reasons why UPS lithium battery is the best option when you compare with VRLA batteries.